How private number plates can make your company vehicles stand out

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Private number plates have often been seen as a luxurious item and many of us often associate them with the super-rich or the famous as a way to flash their cash. However, they are a lot more affordable than people think and private number plates can be a great way to make your business stand out from the crowd. Send your business cars out on the streets with private plates and your business is sure to be known all over.

If you are looking for a private number plate for your business then you have a couple of different options. You can buy your number plate directly from the DVLA, or go to a private website where you might find the type of plate you are looking for at a lower price.

Why should your business have private number plates?

It will attract attention

A private number plate attracts attention wherever it goes, especially if it’s a word of phrase that people are familiar with. If your business vehicles have a private number plate it will catch the eye of other drivers and passers-by. If one of your vehicles is stuck in traffic you might find that the person in the vehicle behind is looking for a service that your business provides, and then the plate has paid for itself.

The number plate could be linked to the industry that you work in, for example ’55 VET’, or you could choose a plate that has a name that coincides with your business name to make it truly unique.

You can keep track of your fleet

If you have a large number of vehicles for your business, having a private registration plate is a great way to keep track of them. If all of your vehicles have random plates then it can be quite difficult to categorise them and keep them in order, however, if they are labelled ‘K34 CAR’, and then ‘K35 CAR’, ‘K36 CAR’ it will be much easier to remember each one and track them.

A private plate hides the vehicle’s age

If you look after your vehicle well, it can look brand new for years to come, however, it is the number plate that will give away how old it really is. When you have a private number plate it will disguise this and there will be no focus on the vehicle’s age. This is especially important for vehicle hire companies such as wedding car hire, where the vehicle’s age shouldn’t be the main focus.

Is it worth it?

This depends on how much you think a private number plate will benefit your business and how expensive the plates are that you desire. Often, if you are using your business name on your number plate it won’t be a particularly high in demand plate, therefore making it cheaper than a lot of personal private number plates. If your business uses a vehicle as its main selling point, or the vehicle is part of the service of your business then it could be well worth investing in.

However, if the number plate is costly, it may be worth considering whether a private number plate is worth the money, or it could be better invested elsewhere in your business.


About the Author

Tobias Simmons is a personal finance blogger born in Ontario and based in Las Vegas, Nevada. He's no Doctor of Science or financial expert but is a self-taught student giving advice for the average peer.