How much do Tim Hortons Owners earn annually?

Tim Hortons Franchise
Have you ever wondered about the gross and net annual income that a Tim Hortons franchise owner earns each year?

Based on 3800 franchisees, the average Tim Hortons store owner pockets $265,558 and more (after tax & interest)! For example, in 2002 an average Tim Horton’s franchise earned the following:

  • Gross earning: $1.5Million before interest and taxes
  • Net earnings: $174,280 after taxes and overhead expenses.

By 2008, an average Tim Hortons franchisee earned a net profit of $265,000 after taxes and expenses. However, Tim Hortons franchisees in Saskatchewan were even more lucrative, with a net profit of almost $400,000!

The revenue has only increased each year and in 2022 the gross and net earnings have risen like a rocket.

How much does a Tim Hortons franchise cost to open?

Prospective franchise owners need $60,000 in capital to start their own donut shop. $25,000 of that money goes towards the franchise fee that gives you the rights to open a Tim Hortons. Looking further into the details, you’ll need to invest $298,650 overall by raising funds from banks and other means. Depending on the location, you may need even up to $1,394,000 at maximum to open your own shop.

Now, does your heart feel itchy, and would you like to become an owner of the Tim Hortons franchise?

Insider Info: Set Up Your Own Tim Hortons Franchise Business?

12 Reader Comments on How much do Tim Hortons Owners earn annually?

    1. f14d91a313156499e819af3f27700882?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
      wide on 2015/03/31 at 1:39 am

      I want to buy a Tim Hortons.

        • b6f4f1f803ea9e584f9ef7d814e6b138?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
          Chris Settelen on 2016/01/06 at 5:24 pm

          A successful one for sale in Norfolk, Virginia, on the Norfolk Naval Station.


    1. 4559590ea4deacbf322086beb59e5c1e?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
      sivathas on 2012/12/04 at 2:38 pm

      So how much I could make if I bought one exactly.

      I like to buy one in Montreal. please let me know all the expenses and fees that I should pay.


    1. bb2f4367a1c4153a565c4dd39ce5faa4?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
      What on 2012/06/10 at 2:57 pm

      Do all these estimates, including what doctors make a year, including HOW MUCH they get back in income tax every year, OR is all this AFTER they retain all their BUSINESS TAX WRITE OFFS? Have we all forgotten that there is an income tax act in which businesses get to deduct almost all of their expenses in doing business in this country so are all these quotes including what they write off or get back each year?

        • 008b10fb16c9870dec738e54ac144c6c?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
          reality check on 2015/03/18 at 1:53 pm

          It clearly states “after taxes,” which anybody who is not a conspiracy theorist would understand means “after paying the taxes on all non-tax-deductible income.” Businesses don’t magically make more money than they make due to tax write-offs. Those don’t generate free cash. They make it possible to run a business. Without tax write-offs, the profits wouldn’t cover the expenses and taxes.


    1. 88f6e2e204e0da428f7915a004c128c4?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
      chee on 2012/04/11 at 4:14 pm

      However, if they only net around $176,000 after interest and taxes from the original gross amount of 1.5 million dollars…that would leave me with the question….how much do they pay in franchise fees??? that is an astronomical drop !!! 😐

        • e61470dd24c22220e8b91388f3808bb0?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
          Janet, on 2015/02/10 at 7:37 pm

          they pay around 480k-510k in franchising fees, an additional 50k as a startup(one-time payment), royalties, and adv fees that add up to 18% of gross sales

            • 10d7b6b7133b5e5454e6e4f729e22761?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
              Jerry on 2015/02/13 at 6:04 am

              35k is the franchise fee, 4.5% of gross sales go to royalties, and the 480-510k goes towards equipment and buildout

    1. 8141dfda25b7f79e63efccde16899271?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
      Monika on 2012/02/17 at 8:47 pm

      Thank you! This is excellent info and exactly what I have a book looking for! Not sure why Tim’s doesn’t just put it up on their website.

        • d9b38ab5b39732f6892824ec5df4418e?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
          Ashley on 2012/04/10 at 5:06 pm

          thanks, you. I agree with you !!! This does not help me; I think Tim does not want anyone to know. Do you know how much they make in a year ??……. I can’t find any websites that tell me ……


        • 24af84f6b608c4bdb28cb0ef35c9c4ee?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
          Shelley on 2012/05/02 at 9:56 pm

          I have read up on the Tim Hortons franchise opportunity. I feel they do not post it because it can go quite far from location to location. If you go to Tim Horton’s website, they have published their annual reports. This is public information because it is a publicly-traded company.


    1. 57f1f5ad7ddb6154e564a1eac6cc31df?s=40&d=wavatar&r=g
      Dave on 2011/05/07 at 11:09 pm

      Thanks for this start-up information. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. On a side note, though, unless you’re the sole owner of a Tim Hortons franchise, the revenue is split among your partners through a partnership business format.


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About the Author

Tobias Simmons is a personal finance blogger born in Ontario and based in Las Vegas, Nevada. He's no Doctor of Science or financial expert but is a self-taught student giving advice for the average peer.